Hi, it’s Rick Hodge again with rickbuyshomes.net. We’re in our office in beautiful Washington, PA, and I just wanted to let you guys know that we fix a lot of homes, we help people with rent to own homes. One of the other things that we also do is we buy homes in the greater Pittsburgh area. Right now, we’re focusing on homes in the 84 area, Bentleyville area, and Washington, PA area. These are all like Washington County homes where you have buyers, we have rent to own customers that are looking for rent to own homes in those markets. If you have a home that you’d like to sell as is, we’re more than happy to help you with that. We’ll help redo this home, have a good renter in there that’s going to be a rent own customer. We’re making houses better, we’re making communities better one house at a time for needing families that deserve a fine home that are working, good, productive citizens of the area.
Thank you so much for watching this video. If you like what we’re doing, you want to be part of what we’re doing, hey, like us, comment, go to our website, rickbuyshomes.net. And if you have a home to sell in those areas, Bentleyville, Washington, PA, 84, PA, we have buyers in those areas right now, rent to own people that are looking to own their own home. Again, thank you so much. Bye.